
Super luxury Kerala mansion - 7450 Sq.Ft.

7450 Square feet (692 Square meter)(828 Square yards) Super luxury Kerala mansion design by Max Height Design Studio. Designer: Sudheesh Ellath, Vatakara, Kozhikode, Kerala.

Super luxury Kerala mansion - 7450 Sq.Ft. - May 2012

Square Feet Details
Ground Floor : 4800 Sq.Ft.
First Floor : 2650 Sq.Ft.
Total Area: 7450 Sq.Ft.

For more information about this house, please contact
Designed By: Max Height Design Studio(Home design in Kozhikode)
Vatakara, Kozhikode
Email: maxheight.vatakara@gmail.com
Ph:+91 9495493763

Designer: Sudheesh Ellath

House Designer Sudheesh Ellath
Ph:+91 9946123428
Super luxury Kerala mansion - 7450 Sq.Ft. Super luxury Kerala mansion - 7450 Sq.Ft. Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on May 25, 2012 Rating: 5

Post Comments


  1. can i ask something, what is the design concept of this house..thanks if you response

  2. what is the design concept of this house?


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