House Details
Area Details:
2425 Sq.Ft.
Ground floor
- porch
- long varandha
- living,dining
- 2 bed
- kitchen
- work area
- store and bath rooms.
- 2bed rooms
- living
- bath rooms and balcony

For more information of this house, contact
Designed by : Green Homes (House design and construction in Thiruvalla & Cochin)
Thiruvalla Office Revenue Tower, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta, Kerala
MOB:+91 99470 69616
Cochin Office
GS2 Heavenly Plaza, Suite No:566
Kakkanad, Cochin-682 021
Tel : +91 484 2388262
House exterior design - 2425 Sq. Ft
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
November 06, 2011

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