Total area of this beautiful modern mix house is 3566 square feet (331 Square Meter) (396 Square Yards). Design send by Grey Monolith Design Studio from Kannur, Kerala.
Square feet details
Ground floor : 2263 Sq.Ft.
First floor : 1303 Sq.Ft.
Total area : 3566 Sq.Ft.
No. of bedrooms : 4
Design style : Modern mix
Facilities of this house
Ground floor
Other Grey Monolith Design Studio
For more info about this house, contact
Grey Monolith Design Studio (Home Design in Kannur)
Square feet details
Ground floor : 2263 Sq.Ft.
First floor : 1303 Sq.Ft.
Total area : 3566 Sq.Ft.
No. of bedrooms : 4
Design style : Modern mix

Facilities of this house
Ground floor
- 2 bedrooms
- 2 attached bathrooms
- Prayer room
- Formal living room
- Family living room
- Kitchen
- Work area
- Bathroom
- Common toilet
- 2 bed rooms
- 2 attached bathrooms
- Study area
- Living area
- Balcony

For more info about this house, contact
Grey Monolith Design Studio (Home Design in Kannur)
2nd Floor, Global Village, Bank Road
Kannur - 670001
Mob : +91 7012405054
Beautiful modern mix house in 3566 sq-ft
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
November 07, 2016

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