2015 Square feet (187 Square Meter) (224 Square Yards) 4 bedroom renovation house plan with an estimated cost of ₹18 lakhs. Designed by iDESIGN Designers & Engineers, Calicut, Kerala.
House Square Feet Details
Ground floor : 1211 Sq. Ft.
First floor : 803 Sq. Ft.
Total Area : 2015 Sq. Ft.
No. of bedrooms : 4
Design style : Modern
Renovation cost : 18 lakh* (27,000*) (AED 99,000*) (*May change time to time, place to place)
Facilities in this house
Ground floor

Remodeling (renovation) work in progress

Other Designs by iDESIGN
For more details of this house contact (Home design in Calicut [Kozhikode])
Designers & Engineers
Calicut, Kerala
Mob:+91 9995006407, 9895772550
House Square Feet Details
Ground floor : 1211 Sq. Ft.
First floor : 803 Sq. Ft.
Total Area : 2015 Sq. Ft.
No. of bedrooms : 4
Design style : Modern
Renovation cost : 18 lakh* (27,000*) (AED 99,000*) (*May change time to time, place to place)

Facilities in this house
Ground floor
- Porch- 280X
- Sit out - 307X170
- Stair - 295X250
- living - 298X270
- Dining - 428X425
- Master Bed room - 296X445
- 1 Attached bath room - 230X170
- Bed room 2 - 290X425
- 1 Attached bath room - 235X150
- Kitchen - 315X360
- Terrace coved by pergola - 298X270
- Upper Living -298X425
- Master Bed room - 420X425
- 1 Attached bath room - 235X150
- Bed room 2 - 381X445
- 1 Attached bath room - 230X170
- Open Terrace

Remodeling (renovation) work in progress

For more details of this house contact (Home design in Calicut [Kozhikode])
Designers & Engineers
Calicut, Kerala
Mob:+91 9995006407, 9895772550
₹18 lakh cost estimated remodeling home plan
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
March 06, 2017

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