
₹40 Lakhs cost estimated decorative flat roof home

2530 Square Feet (235 Square Meter) (281 Square Yards) 3 bedroom decorative style flat roof modern home. Total estimated cost this house is ₹40 lakhs (April 14, 2018) Design provided by Divine Builders from Kannur, Kerala.

Square feet details
Ground floor area : 1552 Sq.Ft.
First floor area : 843 Sq.Ft.
Porch area : 135 Sq.Ft.
Total area : 2530 Sq.Ft.
No. of bedrooms : 3
Design style : Decorative flat roof
Estimated construction cost : ₹40 Lakhs ($62,000*) (AED 226,000*) (*may change time to time place to place)
₹40 Lakhs cost estimated decorative flat roof home
See Facility details
Ground floor
  • Sit out
  • Living + court yard
  • 2 bed room + attached toilet + dress
  • Dining + common toilet
  • Kitchen
  • W/Area + bath
First floor
  • Upper living
  • 1 bed rooms + attached toilet + dress
  • 1 bed room
  • Common bath room
  • Balcony
  • Utility
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Other Designs by Divine Builders
For more info about this house, contact
Divine Builders (Home Design in Kannur)
Near K.M.H School Kambil, (Opp. KSEB Kambil)
670601, Kannur, Kerala
Office PH:+91 9633019856, Office : 7012314711
₹40 Lakhs cost estimated decorative flat roof home ₹40 Lakhs cost estimated decorative flat roof home Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on April 14, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. hi. is it possible to have a inside house map?

  2. Hi, I would like to see the floor plans if it is possible please send me through email

  3. How to get full plan and what is the price of plan in rupees

  4. Please send me the house plan

  5. Can you please send the full floor plan and your estimated cost on email id : manish.lords@gmail.com


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