4 bedroom Nalukettu traditional house plan in an area of 2700 square feet (251 square meter) (300 square yards). Designed by In Draft 3D Designer, Palakkad, Kerala.
Total area : 2700 sq.ft.
Bedrooms : 4 (4 attached)
Design style : Traditional Nalukettu
Ground floor
In Draft 3D Designer
Vishnu P
Ottapalam, Palakkad
Mob:+91 9605769189, 8606133737, 8891211887
Email:avvishnup@gmail.com, indraft3d@gmail.com
Total area : 2700 sq.ft.
Bedrooms : 4 (4 attached)
Design style : Traditional Nalukettu

Ground floor
- Long Veranda
- Living Hall
- Nadumuttam(Center courtyard)
- Dining Hall
- 4 Bed rooms with attach bath
- Study area
- Open Kitchen
- Private Kitchen
- Work area
- Store
- Common bath
In Draft 3D Designer
Vishnu P
Ottapalam, Palakkad
Mob:+91 9605769189, 8606133737, 8891211887
Email:avvishnup@gmail.com, indraft3d@gmail.com
Kerala Nalukettu home design 2018
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
June 14, 2018

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