Square feet details
No. of bedrooms : 3
Design style : Modern
Estimated construction cost : ₹22 lakhs
Facilities of the house
Ground floor
To know more about this home, contact [House design Kerala]
Forms 4 Architectural
Architectural design. Interior. Landscaping.Construction
Phone : +91 9744985931
Email: forms090@gmail.com
No. of bedrooms : 3
Design style : Modern
Estimated construction cost : ₹22 lakhs

Facilities of the house
Ground floor
- Sit out
- Formal living
- Dining
- Kitchen+work area
- 2 bed rooms with attached toilets
- upper family living space
- 1 bed rooms
- Provision for 1 more bedroom
- attached toilets
- Balcony space
To know more about this home, contact [House design Kerala]
Forms 4 Architectural
Architectural design. Interior. Landscaping.Construction
Phone : +91 9744985931
Email: forms090@gmail.com
₹22 lakhs cost estimated modern home
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
October 27, 2018

Finish karannama cost eka keeyak wenawada