
Box type 4 Bedroom house with cost of ₹30 lakhs

4 bedroom flat roof house with an estimated construction cost of ₹22 lakhs. Design provided by Forms 4 architectural from Kerala.

No. of bedrooms : 4
Design style : Contemporary
Estimated Construction cost : ₹30 lakhs* ($42,000) (AED 154,000) (*May change time to time and place to place)

Box type 4 Bedroom house with cost of ₹30 lakhs

Facilities of the house

Ground floor
  • Sit out
  • Formal living
  • Dining
  • Patio
  • Kitchen+work area
  • 2 spacious bed room with attached dress and toilet
First floor
  • Upper sitting + library space
  • 2 bed rooms
  • Attached toilets
Other Designs by Forms 4 Architectural
To know more about this home, contact [House design Kerala]
Forms 4 Architectural
Architectural design. Interior. Landscaping.Construction
Phone : +91 9744985931
Email: forms090@gmail.com
Box type 4 Bedroom house with cost of ₹30 lakhs Box type 4 Bedroom house with cost of ₹30 lakhs Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on December 17, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. may i know cost of his home ?& how many months need to complete work ?

  2. Nice... Want more pics of below 2000 square feet home designs.... Intrested in single floor contemporary style. .... wit estimated construction cost.

  3. how to get the full plan ?

  4. Can you send me your quotes to my mail ID.

  5. This house design looks cool, I may choose this one.

  6. How I can get this design & plan?


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