740 square feet (69 square meter) (82 square yards) 2 BHK small double storied modern house. Design provided by Sha Alshifan M K from Malappuram, Kerala.
House Square Feet Details
Ground floor Area : 620 sq.feet (57.59 mtr squre)
First floor Area : 120 square feet(11.00 Sq.mtr)
Total Area : 740 sq-ft
No. of bedrooms : 2
Design style : Modern
House facilities
Ground floor
For more info about this house, contact (Home design Malappuram)
Sha Alshifan Mk
Mankada, Malappuram, Kerala
Ph : +91 95 26 746 748
House Square Feet Details
Ground floor Area : 620 sq.feet (57.59 mtr squre)
First floor Area : 120 square feet(11.00 Sq.mtr)
Total Area : 740 sq-ft
No. of bedrooms : 2
Design style : Modern

House facilities
Ground floor
- Sit out
- Living
- Dining
- Bedroom-2
- Common toilet
- Kitchen
- Store
- Stair
- Porch
- Balcony
- Upperliving
For more info about this house, contact (Home design Malappuram)
Sha Alshifan Mk
Mankada, Malappuram, Kerala
Ph : +91 95 26 746 748
740 sq-ft 2 bedroom modern double storied home
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
June 05, 2019

Hai, This This Thangamani from Chennai. Really amazing Elevations and Plans. i mesmerized this plans. Could you Please share the Floor Plans. i going to Construct my independent House. my mind says it will very well Helps me. My Land area 24' x 34' = 816' Sq-ft. East facing. Please Help me out. i eagerly waiting for your valuable Reply. Thanks in advance,regards, Thangamani, Chennai.