
1623 sq-ft 4 BHK house ₹28 lakhs cost estimated

1623 square feet (151 square meter) (180 square yards) 4 bedroom modern house with estimated construction cost of ₹28 lakhs (December 31, 2020). Design provided by Excellent Builders and Constructions from Malappuram, Kerala.

House Square Feet Details
Ground Floor Area : 938 Sq. Ft.
First Floor Area : 685 Sq. Ft.
Total Area : 1623 Sq. Ft.
No. of bedrooms : 4
Design style : Modern
Approximate Construction cost : ₹28 lakhs* ($39,000*) (141,000*) (*May change time to time and place to place)
House under ₹30 lakhs

House facilities

Ground floor
  • Sit out
  • Living
  • Dining Hall
  • 2 Bedroom 1 Bedroom Attached
  • 1 Common Toilet
  • Kitchen
  • Store
First floor
  • Balcony
  • Family Living
  • 2 Bedroom 1 Bedroom Attached
  • 1 Common Toilet
Other Designs by Excellent Builders and Constructions
For more info about this house, contact (Home design Malappuram)
Excellent Builders and Constructions
Mele Chelari, Malappuram, Kerala
Contact person : Nisam K Chelari
Ph : +91 9747 163 836 , 7034 405 405
Email:excellentbuildersclr@gmail.com, nisamk916@gmail.com
1623 sq-ft 4 BHK house ₹28 lakhs cost estimated 1623 sq-ft 4 BHK house ₹28 lakhs cost estimated Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on December 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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