
A house made of reused shipping containers

This wonderful home is located in Alcala de Guadaira, Sevilla, Spain and was designed by the architect Alejandro Martin Torrente. Alejandro Torrente ditched the idea of making a room inside each container and decided to create something more beautiful and stylish. One of the main advantages of container houses is the construction time. 

Building a house from blocks is much faster than building from scratch. The strength factor is added to the time saved. This suggests that the container home market will continue to grow and expand.

Container home before and after
Architect: Alejandro Martín Torrente @alemartintorrente
Photographs © : Juanca Lagares @juancalagares.

House model made of cardboard
With the help of shipping containers it is much faster and easier to create interesting house projects than following the regular building materials. Reused container ready to build house Container house in progress container house floor plan interior view when work in progress This is how the house turned out - modern contemporary, bright and beautiful. Container home exterior view Container home exterior view Container home exterior view Container home exterior view Container home exterior view
The peaceful atmosphere enchants inside the home too. The interiors are simple, elegant and minimalistic.
Container home interior view Container home interior view Container home interior view Container home bathroom
A house made of reused shipping containers A house made of reused shipping containers Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on November 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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