
Some creative DIY ideas for your home - 18 ideas

If you have decided to throw away the useless at home it would be a good idea to take a look at this collection. All ideas may not be useful to you, but who knows? Maybe you can get other inspirations from this. Car tyre Showcase source:arabturbo
See rest of the photos
Do you Have extra hangers?
Hanger footwear rack source:Pinterest
Don't throw away non-using crutches
Shelf design with crutches source:Napiszemtorna
Bottle hanger source:Pinterest
Half chair converted as book shelf source:Pianetadonne
meat grinder chandelier lighting source:Dekornot

Old kitchen doors turns into a folding table
old door into folding table source:Pinterest
Grandfather suitcase source:Uutvdome
Hanger made of trowel source:Pinterest

Lost wheels from children's toys used as drawer bush knob
toy car tyre used as drawer bush knob source:Pinterest
Wash basin on top of old bicycle source:Twitter
Glass shelf driftwood source:PinterestOld TV can be turned into a pet house
Old TV turned into pet house source:alldiycatalog Storage space created with plastic crate source:twitter
DIY plastic create sitting space source:unaideasostenible
Vegetable / Cheese Grater Earring holder source:Themeleeofmylife
Earring holder DIY tennis racket source:Freshideen
Some creative DIY ideas for your home - 18 ideas Some creative DIY ideas for your home - 18 ideas Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on November 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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