If you're on the lookout for a modern house with a tropical touch, this 4000 square feet architectural marvel might be just the one for you. This contemporary home boasts an elegant design with sober colors, cooling glass windows, clay jali on the front show wall, and a curved portion on the right side that commands attention.
Square Feet Details
Ground floor area : 2300 Sq.Ft.
First floor area : 1700 Sq.Ft.
Total floor area : 4000 Sq.Ft.
Bed : 4
Bath : 5
Double height cut out : 1
Waterbody : 2
Design style : Modern

Ground floor
- Porch
- Sit out
- Courtyard
- Foyer
- Living
- Double Height Cutout
- 2 Bed attached with Dressing
- Dining
- Courtyard
- Patio 1
- Waterbody
- Common Wash, toilet
- Kitchen
- Work Area
- 2 bed with Attached Dressing
- Upper living
- Study Area
- Balcony
- Open Terrace

For more details of this home, contact (Home design in Calicut [Kozhikode])
Greenline Architects
Akkai Tower,1st Floor,Thali cross Road, Calicut
Mob:+91 8086139096,9846295201
A Modern Tropical Sojourn: 4000 Square Feet of Elegant Architecture
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
March 25, 2023

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