3500 square feet (325 square meter) (389 square yards) tropical house design features a sloping roof, which not only adds to the aesthetic appeal of the house but also helps to protect it from the heavy monsoon rains that are common in the region. The house is also designed to be a green house, with features such as a waterbody and courtyard, which not only add to the beauty of the house but also help to keep it cool and comfortable during the hot and humid summers.
One of the most unique features of the house is the wood window with stripes design. These windows add to the aesthetic appeal of the house and also provide ample natural light and ventilation. Another noteworthy feature of the house is the big arch window on the ground floor, which provides a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.
Square Feet Details
Ground floor area : 2000 Sq.Ft.
First floor area : 1500 Sq.Ft.
Total floor area : 3500 Sq.Ft.
Bed : 4
Bath : 5
Porch : 1
Double height cut out : 1
Waterbody : 1
Design style : Tropical House

Ground floor
- Porch
- Sit out
- Courtyard
- Foyer
- Living
- Double Height Cutout
- 2 Bed attached with Dressing
- Dining
- Courtyard
- Patio 1
- Waterbody
- Common Wash, toilet
- Kitchen
- Work Area
- 2 bed with Attached Dressing
- Upper living
- Balcony
- Open Terrace

For more details of this home, contact (Home design in Calicut [Kozhikode])
Greenline Architects
Akkai Tower,1st Floor,Thali cross Road, Calicut
Mob:+91 8086139096,9846295201
Green and Beautiful: A Tropical House in Kerala
Reviewed by Kerala Home Design
March 20, 2023

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