
4 bedroom modern house 2760 square feet

2760 square feet (256 square meter) (307 square yard) 4 bedroom modern house architecture rendering. Design provided by Design Tech Construction from Kerala.

Square feet details
Ground floor area : 1800 Sq.Ft.
First floor area : 960 Sq.Ft
Total Area : 2760 Sq.Ft.
No. of bedrooms : 4
Design style : Modern
Construction cost : Approximate ₹40 lakhs* ($49,000*) (AED 179,000*) (*May change time to time and place to place - May 16, 2023)
2760 square feet modern house
See Facility details
Ground floor
  • Porch
  • Sit out
  • Living
  • Dining
  • Hall
  • Courtyard
  • Wash area
  • Bed 2 nos.
  • Kitchen
  • Store
  • Attached toilet 2 nos.
First floor
  • Balcony 2 nos.
  • Hall
  • Bed 2 nos.
  • Attached toilet 2 nos.
2760 square feet modern house
Other Designs by Design Tech Construction
For more info about this house, contact
Design Tech Construction (Home Design Kerala)
Office :+91 9447717480
4 bedroom modern house 2760 square feet 4 bedroom modern house 2760 square feet Reviewed by Kerala Home Design on May 16, 2023 Rating: 5

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